pmferreira (1342) v Gerald McShepard (1462) Game 9 on [1 min] blitz 0-1

View the game on Youtube: or visit to copy the pgn and see it in your own chess software.

Don’t have chess software? I recommend Deep Fritz 12, located at

This game starts off literally slowly with it taking ten seconds for white to delpy his pawn center. Black opposes with King’s indian and white builds the center while mobilizing the knights. He decides to attack on Kingside and barely moves his pawns other than to support the center. Eventually white runs out of moves and has a stone wall on the Kingside, but white also seems to be out of ides, having left Black the center and leaving his king undefended by open leanes. Black has a more dynamic position while white is decentralized, searching for an attack. Black does not have an attack fully materialized, but keeps the central control on white white loses time.

Gerald McShepard